Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Silver Fox Trap

I took a good long look in the mirror yesterday... something I don't do very often. Mirrors have long freaked me out for some odd reason. They don't necessarily show you what you think you should see. Then, some mirrors show you what you don't want to see. Some turn you away. Some draw you near.

Attractive features.
Not-so-attractive features.

What gives these features their power? Why do fine lines, wrinkles, gray hair, or no hair spawn such an ominous outlook on the person we see in the mirror. These are certainly not the features that make me freak out on mirrors, and perhaps when I'm in a more open mood, I'll tell you what they are. Nevertheless, everyone knows that growing old is inevitable. Everyone knows the endgame is death. Never mind that these features can easily make their presence known on younger people, too.

Still, we run. Still, we hide. Still, we dye (no pun intended). Hmmmm... speaking of dye... I couldn't help but laugh at my friend, "Godfather", who recently attempted to dye the few speckles of gray hair out of his head. It didn't turn out quite how he wanted... and if you remember the movie Ghost, featuring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg -- perhaps you'll recognize the following lines:

"Damn, baby! Whatchoo do to yo hair?!" said Orlando.
"It's my new look, Orlando. You like it? It's Autumn Sunrise!" his wife replies.

Godfather certainly knew what I was talking about when I repeated those lines, but he didn't think it was quite funny. I risked my life and accused him of having "autumn sunrise" on his head. Now, some of you older gentleman may think I have the luxury of joking about Godfather's "mishap" for now, but actually, I have gray hair as well.

I shaved my head bald years ago, though... and I've always loved either look. I have cataloged 36 gray hairs not just on my head, but chest and ummm... other areas. I'm one of the 'younger' men that actually LOVES gray hair on a man. Mark Harmon, (pictured left)... and Jon Stewart (pictured above)... are just a sample.

To me, it invokes experience, power, stateliness, endurance, and a host of other complimentary components of character. In my opinion, the Silver Fox that embraces his features is a compelling story in itself. It takes confidence to stand pat, rather than run from Father Time.

We all know He will hunt us down eventually. In the meantime, those like my good friend "Godfather" damage their hair with harmful chemicals that taint a graceful look... splashing their heads with shades of orange, blond, red, black, and brown.

I could swear I even heard Godfather talk of plastic surgery. NO!! I'm starting a campaign called Friends Against Defiling Godfather! This is the man that already has a bucking stud that loves him for who he is.... *sigh* ... we should all be so lucky.

Eye Creams.
Hair dyes.
Anti-aging creams.
Anti-wrinkle butter.
Plastic Surgery.

Someone stands to make an enormous amount of money creating such demonic tools to prey upon those who run against the tide. It's a "Silver Fox Trap".... and for the silver gay fox that runs, I say this. Just know that there are many in our community that admire, adore, and are attracted to you.

Embrace yourself and show off that sexiness, and sure as the sunrise, a quality man will embrace you.


  1. yea kevin, i stopped a long time ago trying to color my hair. grey is what it is. i just use alberto vo5 for silver hair. i'm a happy camper.....

  2. The one time I dyed, I looked in the mirror after and almost died.

    Didn't look like me.

    Never again.

    And hey, you didn't mention the wonderful TR Pescod in you survey of men with silver hair.

    Google him.

  3. "Just know that there are many in our community that admire, adore, and are attracted to you."

    Oh yeah? You say that now, but where the hell are you guys when we need you? lol

    Actually it turns out fate has been relatively kind. My hair is still pretty dark, with some silver threads. It's my beard that's gone all silver to white in just the last few years.

    Silver hair might be sexy, but a totally gray beard and stache just says ooooooold man. I can highly recommend Just For Men for good results. *wink*

    Not that you need it Kevin, but some of us need all the help we can get . . . .

  4. LOL absolutely hilarious! Constant Motion has no gray hair, and Russ - I saw your post from a week ago about your eyes, and that actually helped inspire this post.

    I think totally gray beards only make a guy look old if they aren't trimmed. Of course, in my opinion, scraggly beards make a guy look older regardless of color.

    Larry, we need more happy campers like you in life!

  5. Greetings from a grey-haired and bearded one.

    I'm 19 in my head.

  6. Yummy, TVJunkie.. I just googled TR Pescod. He is gorgeous -- and he keeps his beard nice and trimmed.

  7. LOL....i hope i am as in good of sprits as you guys are when i reach the silver fox years...and i hope i age as gracefully as u guys have....nothing wrong with being a silver fox...although i started greying at 16(some werid genetic thing from my mothers side) and clairol 1362 has been a freind ever since...i wonder if my head is completely white now?
