Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Big Three OH?!

I guess we all have our 'scary' age, huh? Some have a weird number like 43 or 66 or 71. If I had one, I'd tell ya.

But 30? Where did gay society mark such a small number as the "Over the Hill" milestone? Some take it with grace.. others take it as an apocalyptic disaster of immense proportions.

For me, when I turned 30 on March 12, 2005, it was a rather graceful, quiet event. Two things come to mind when I hear some whiny guy talk about the Big Three OH (shit)...

1) There ain't a damned thing you can do about it, except kill yourself the day before.
2) Many people don't even make it out of their teens due to the violence of the world -- much less out of their 20s.

But most importantly to ask, what makes 30 such a taboo number in gay circles? What changes from the last day of being in your 20s to the first day of being in your 30s? Does a billion wrinkles suddenly pop up on our faces? Are we suddenly unattractive? Does our sex life abruptly cut off?

When will we embrace the idea that age is totally disconnected from individuality? There are 60-year-olds that act like little immature brats. There are 20-year-olds that act much more mature than others in their age group. There are 50-year-olds that can still light the fires under the sheets... then, there are 18-year-old, gray-haired men that can't get it up.

I will be lucky to see 40, 50, or beyond. For those who are already there... consider that the next time you moan about your age. For those of you dreading the "Big Three Oh", just know that it will be what you make of it. It can be one of the best times of your life!

It is for me, so far....


  1. People are really dumb on this subject. Your thirties are the prime of life. Old enough to know what you like and young enough to enjoy it.

    And trust me, 50 isn't nearly as old as it sounds either . . . . as you'll see when you get there.

  2. In March I'll be 44, and have outlived all my friends from my 20's by a decade. I'm just glad to be here.
