Monday, January 12, 2009

Driving with Cell Phones

Okay, look. Does legislation always have to be the first line of defense in tackling this nation's problems? On my way to pick up my friend from the airport today, I passed by a "No Cell Phone" Zone sign. Apparently, my town has passed some sort of ordinance against driving while using cell phones.

The bottom line is... cell phones don't kill people. People kill people. Isn't that what they say about guns? Shouldn't that be what they say about those that put on makeup, eat, look down to turn the radio channel, and even get dressed for work while driving? Where are the "No Eating While Driving" signs? I mean, seriously... there are a TON of possible distractions that could diminish our reaction time while driving -- and this seems to be aimed more at generating revenue than safety.

For me, whether I drive with a cell phone or without one, I usually have only one hand on the wheel. Similarly, there is almost always someone in the car to distract me with their colorful and engaging conversation. Also, I'd like to mention that not a day goes by when I don't see some lady slapping makeup on her face while driving -- probably to audition for the next Joker role in an upcoming Batman film.

Ahhhh, whatever... I guess it's the liberal in me. I just don't like excessive law, rules, and regulations that inherently chip away at one's individual freedoms. Singling out cell phones from countless other potential distractions by using a bunch of gibberish statistics doesn't prove to me that we as a society will be safer with such legislation.

1 comment:

  1. I have but one thought and it probably is a sideline thought, as it were. Whatever did WE do before cell phones came into our lives?!?! Hmm....oh wait, there goes my phone now. I wonder who's texting me. LOL.
