Ahhhh, the first day of February, and the scent of Valentine's Day love looms in the air... Black History Month is in full swing... the groundhogs are preening their whiskers. In one corner of our great nation, it is a frosty winter... the other is reminiscent of a warm, spring day.
There are some who are filled with love, yet greet Valentine's Day with detestation.
There are some Black men and women that honor the accomplishments of their Black ancestors by committing violent crimes during Black History Month.
As I sit here at work hoping that the Arizona Cardinals will win the Super Bowl today, I find myself in deep ponder over the contradictions our society has. I'm also mulling over the contradictions and hypocrisy that dwell within my own soul. Perhaps the next time we either admonish or turn someone away, we should do some serious mirror-staring....
For instance: Why is it that we can't stand other people's bad habits, when we have habits just as detestable? One man who doesn't wipe the counter after cooking turns around and hisses at his husband. Why? For not taking an empty milk carton out of the fridge. Aren't both are messy?
Everyone wants cleaner, efficient fuels that will stave off our dependency on foreign oil. No one wants a nuclear plant in their back yard. No one wants nuclear waste stored near them. Not to mention there are those that bitch about birds hitting windmills if we build them.
One lady gets pulled over for speeding; receives her ticket; and glides up I-45 at 80 mph just moments later.
Counterpoint runs through our veins. Sometimes it's an eloquent melody... music that makes me ponder. Should I criticize the 'other guy' that let me date Ms. Pac-Man for nearly an hour past our scheduled meetup time before showing up? Should I expect flawlessness?
Hmmm... maybe it's not man's actions that is truly rubbing me raw, but rather, man's stubbornness to change for the better.
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