Sunday, February 22, 2009

Credit Crunch Berries, Part 2

So, as some may recall from a previous post, I wrote to Capital One regarding the change of terms I received. Just to hammer home the point of how impersonal these companies are, I am posting the original letter I submitted to them -- followed by their subsequent response.

Just take a moment to soak in the vapors of their idiotic reply... and they wonder why some of us want them to sink into the abyss. When they do, I hope the underlings find employment elsewhere as quickly as possible. I don't want any hard-working, honest person to lose their jobs. But, the people at the top need to learn a very important lesson.

Original Letter:

As a loyal customer who has always made timely payments (often above
minimums), I am truly disheartened to learn that my purchase rate is
going up by 70% in less than 3 months from now.

Through no fault of my own, your decision has forced me to critically
analyze your commitment to your best customers. I realize you have a
business to run. However, I am shocked that you are targeting customers
who not only bring you good business, but cause no problems for you. To
make it even more difficult for these customers to pay down their
balances and risk losing them altogether makes no sense to me.

Reluctantly, I have no choice but to close and immediately pay off my
Capital One account. I will follow the procedures you have outlined in
your mailer. I just wanted your company to know how disappointed I am to
receive these change of terms.


Capital One Response:

February 10, 2009 07:32 PM
Subject: Re: Account terms (fees, APR, etc.)
Message: Dear Kevin,

Thanks for contacting us about your Capital One account.

Thank you for making us aware of your situation.

You are a valued customer and we thank you for choosing Capital One.

If you have questions, please respond to this email or our Customer
Service Representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at


Capital One Services, LLC.
Now, how would you feel about getting a half-ass reply such as this? Would you feel like a valued Customer? This is a 'stock' response, pieced together to the point where it doesn't really address me or my issue. Ha... what's in my wallet? Not a Capital One card! My dogs Dirk and Yani are using the sum bitch as a chew toy.


  1. And they wonder why there income tanks?

    I mailed a reply to your question on my blog. I don't know if you will actually recieve it (noreply@blog....blah blah blah something something) Anyway, here is a like to check it out for your area.

  2. Capital One is a terrible company. I closed my account with them years ago because of their terrible customer service. You're doing yourself a favor by dumping them.

  3. Dave, thanks a bunch for the link! I'll check this out.

    Will, I totally agree. The tragic thing is, there are so many other companies like them... and they just don't get it.

  4. What's in my wallet? Lint and a phone number for a guy I dated ten years ago and who is now working for Capital One. Sweet.

  5. Constant Motion, sorry I had to stop contributing to your ex-lover's salary. :-) He might have a pink slip in his wallet before this is all said and done.
