Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eye for an Eye

An eye for an eye... an ancient phrase that many of us are very familiar with. I was just getting showered and ready for work when I came across a darkly interesting article.

The story of an Iranian woman blinded by acid certainly drives home the point that there are really cruel people out there. Click HERE for the full story.

There is one thing that bothers me about what the victim said, and don't take this as an attack or an effort to demonize her -- but rather, a somewhat obscure phenomenon pertaining to capital punishment. It is happening around the world... from America to Iran... and not only do I see it in victims, but politicians as well.

Here in Texas, home of former President George W. Bush, his words as governor still ring in my head. At the time, Texas was #1 in exacting the death penalty -- and to this day, I'll bet my left nipple it still is. However, when confronted with that sombering statistic, Bush continuously used words like "justice". Never did he, nor other death penalty supporters, use words like "revenge" or "vengeance". Indeed, such words ring of barbarism and other thematic evils. In the story of Ameneh Bahrami, she states:

"I don't want to blind him for revenge. I'm doing this to prevent it from happening to someone else."
Now, let's review the definition of revenge, as queried from

1. to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, esp. in a resentful or vindictive spirit: He revenged his murdered brother.

2. to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for; avenge: He revenged his brother's murder.

The bottom line is that capital punishment is revenge. It is vengeance. She did nothing wrong whatsoever, and I sincerely empathize with her.... and yes, it's only natural to resent the guy for what he did. If by some ethereal means, she doesn't resent him whatsoever, I certainly admire her for that. However, I'm sure the society that is pouring the acid more than makes up for the resentment that Ms. Bahrami may not have.

Nonetheless, I do wish we'd just call this what it is. Oh, by the way... I doubt this will prevent some other crazy nut in Singapore, Canada, the United States, Italy, et al. from robbing an innocent person of their eyesight... only the vile, disgusting man that took her eyesight away.

Why is it so difficult to admit revenge when it is exacted? Does it make us a barbaric species? You damned right it does... and it should... because we are. Nevertheless, I wish Ameneh Bharami and other victims of such brutal crimes all the best in life. I always hope that these punishments bring the sense of "closure" that they are intended to provide.


  1. As the age old saying goes.."Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold" for though id say

  2. I agree with Allen. May I say let the higher power get back at the evil do-iers. wiether it be God doing the revenge or carma or whatever you want it to be call. remember someone else said turn the other cheek. Again I know, but you have better thing with your energy than try to get back at another person. Waisted energy.
