Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Thousand-Dollar Judgment

Ahhhh, I've finally risen from the depths of a long day's sleep and came across a rather interesting article. After reading about gay twins that sued their gay bosses/owners of a Los Angeles restaurant, all I gotta say is: Flirters within our own community, take notice.

It sucks that these twins were only awarded $1,000 each. A nice, juicy $10,000 would have really hammered the point home. Like many others, I continue to question if the justice system takes sexual harassment against gays, and men for that matter, into serious consideration... just another reason why a lot of men don't even bother coming out to report violations or crimes against them. Their attorney, Sarah E. Hernandez hits the nail on the head:
"It's harder to prove sexual harassment with men because, unlike women, they don't break down and cry on the stand."
Yet, in knowing the odds of attracting serious attention from the court because of their gender and sexual orientation, these two young men fought a good fight on principle. I always get a good feeling when I read about people standing up for themselves -- especially gay men. The article can be accessed by clicking HERE.


  1. You are right, it should have been more. The firefighters got more. And I bet if it were a straight female it would have been much higher.

  2. That's something to think about, do others take any of our issues seriously

  3. I hate saying this but it is true, women and get away with more than men do. But I am happy these twins won the case.

  4. Gay twins huh? Hmm... Who could resist?

  5. yes it may be a small amount but atleast its a step in the right direction...this case will go down in the record books and be used as a stepping stone for the next one....i would say atleast the door has been opened a little bit...and when it comes to sexual abuse or sexual harassment i dunno why women get more attention than the GLBT community....but maybe that is changing when cases like this are won...im hopefull!!
