Thursday, March 5, 2009

Edge of Disaster

Last night, I was thoroughly surprised with tickets to see the Dallas Mavericks basketball team whip the San Antonio Spurs in Dallas. My friend, "The Godfather", took me as a birthday gift, knowing that I'd never been to a game before.

Fast-forward 10 hours to now. Toothache. Just to make matters worse, I think about how just a few weeks ago, it took $1,411 to fix another tooth -- so, I'm sweating over how much it will cost to fix this one.

It's things like this that make me wonder why anyone wouldn't want this country to have universal, affordable health care for everyone. When I listen to people bitch, moan, and toss words around like "socialism"... words that they don't even know the meaning... it just tears at me. Those against things like universal health care should realize just how close to the edge of disaster most of us actually are.

Let's see... there's the 8-year-old leukemia patient in Ohio, who after a few rounds of chemotherapy is in dire straits because she's already reached the $1,500,000 lifetime benefit allowable under her father's health plan. Yes, that's right.. $1,500,000.oo. Try looking this little girl in the eye and saying, "I'm sorry. I'd rather you die than someone call me a supporter of a socialist President." Or how about the grocery-store worker who has to put off her radiation treatments for Stage 2 breast cancer that plunged her into $18,000 of debt after exhausting her company's $20,000 annual maximum plan?

The problem is, people who have the power to enact legislation are detached from the real problem that especially middle-class citizens face every day. Many have good jobs, a home, dog, white picket fence, and are doing financially well.... until sickness hits. We are gays, straights, Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, women, men... people from all walks of life --- walking on the edge of disaster.

It's so tragic that it takes tragedy for people to open up their eyes and their hearts. The mighty United States of America should have tackled this issue a long time ago. But who's the real monster behind this situation?


  1. It's because it's 'them' that got sick.
    It's not 'us.'
    Until it is 'us' and then we want action.
    How about taking action before a crisis?

  2. It's settled: I am moving to Canada and getting married to a hot black man and hunting wolverine for a living. Anyone want to join me?

  3. HAHAHA! Hunting wolverine, Constant Motion? So, hunting for a man and an animal at the same time... intriguing.

    Bob: I totally agree. But you know how it is... we think we are invisible and the odds of something happening are slim to nil. Plus, I'm betting insurance and pharmaceutical companies stand to lose quite a bit if we alter our health care system too much.

  4. I fully understand were you are coming from. I see it in my hopital, the case mang saying there is almost up and everything.

  5. it seems to me that america could take a lesson from canadian health care....i mean no one can be refused medical treatment there and its been working since the 50` where is Tommy Douglas when u need him...LOL
