Sunday, March 8, 2009

Stone-Throwing Haters?

A few days ago, three men decided to be like heathens of old and cast stones into a "gay bar" in Galveston, TX. A gay man was struck in the head and anointed with 12 staples in his skull. Now, the three men are accused of a hate crime. The story can be accessed HERE.

However, I wonder if the hate crime status will stick... not because this is Texas (shrug); but I read that this place is known as a gay bar, BUT the clientele is actually mixed. After reading the story, I wasn't clear if the three men specifically targeted the victim, spat any hateful rhetoric while committing the crime, or did anything that may suggest that they didn't randomly throw the 4-pound stone at anyone in particular. Since it isn't a totally gay bar, they might have a viable defense... unless the District Attorney received more information to the contrary that was just not mentioned in the article.

These 3 idiots could easily say that they thought the victim was some guy that owed them money and they came to collect. Of course, we all know better. These jackasses wouldn't have walked into a Wal-Mart, Hooters, or Chippendales and threw a 4-pound stone at someone. They seemingly picked this place because of its reputation as a gay bar.

Unfortunately, that assertion is not enough and would be just a hunch in the eyes of a judge. So, I wouldn't be surprised if these goons got off with a lighter punishment than they deserve. Now, for an interesting twist.... if a gay man walks into a church that's known for its fiery rhetoric... throws a stone and splits the Pastor's head open... is that a hate crime?

Yes, I had to go there... because the sword should cut both ways, shouldn't it?


  1. It should cut both ways. They should get the most harsh punsihment available. Have you ever noticed that gays seem to always be the victims of physical hate crimes, while "christians" call it a war gays a waging against them in court, tv, print, etc?

  2. He who is without sin cast the first stone….well if the stone hit Jerry Falwell would anybody care?...anyway I think its sad when we(gays) are targeted for such a senseless and violent crime. I mean just because we choose to love someone of the same sex doesn’t mean we aren’t people to. We deserve the same treatment and respect as anybody else…..But you have those that sit at the pulpit like J.F. and brain wash their paschal lambs to incite this kind of violence against those filthy perverse gays!! I call bull sh@$! I am a Christian myself and I have a personal relationship with the man up stairs…and this shames me beyond belief….I don’t know why people are stupid enough to listen to this crap….and then the police don’t do anything worth while about it….just because we are gay…..but had it been a women…or a straight man of a different ethnicity they would have been all over it , and it would have been a big time hate crime with lots of media coverage….
    ….but I really doubt the hate crime thing will stick anyway…just because they were gay and we have a very flawed justice system….this makes me very angry and sad !!…. And yet im at a loss as to what I can do about it…..other than post a angry response on ur blog and maybe this so angry cause its late and im tired …..sorry im running at the mouth!!…but on the other hand maybe someone will read this and try and make a difference….but until then I guess as a fellow gay…ill keep fighting the good fight!!

  3. "If a gay man walks into a church that's known for its fiery rhetoric... throws a stone and splits the Pastor's head open... is that a hate crime?"

    Isn't that what followers of the bible call "an eye for an eye..." ? ;)

  4. I wonder if they got the he without sin cast the first stone part?

  5. Haaaaa... good one, ka-os. They do, but imagine if historical figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr. took that literally like a lot of religious fanatics do. There's no telling how WORSE things would be.
