Thursday, April 30, 2009

Free Cat

Okay... I may not be a cat fan, but that's cold-blooded.
Dark humor to admire from time-to-time, though...


  1. As the proud owner of two wonderful, albeit spoiled cats, This is horrible. Cats get such a bad rap, but they can be just as loving as a dog if you allow them to be. Cats are just more indepenent.

    This makes me sad.

  2. I think I read somewhere that it wasn't a real cat, thankfully.

  3. If it were a real cat, I think it's safe to say, if hit while crossing the road -- probably while trying to escape a child who had the day off from school because Fort Worth ISD panicked from news of the "swine flu" -- just used up all 9 of its lives. Seriously though, it's sort of funny in a morbid sense however, that's how I met my Ex, too. He was a dead ringer for a "pussy".

  4. this was to funny and to cute.

  5. Funny as hell - sick but It should show cat owners a damn good reason to put them on a leash!

  6. You must have been in England for a while for this "black/dark" humour. But it's funny. It seems you like "with jus" (Rays blog). Just see my blog on saturday, you can win some loads.

  7. Okay, I know that's not funny, so why am I laughing my ass off?
