After receiving a manageable $189.71 electric bill last month, I went online to see if there were any tips I could use to make sure it stays manageable. I'm all about the environment and doing my part to conserve resources to satisfy the needs of community over needs of the individual.
However, I quickly realized one big problem with the government's plea to us, the lowly homeowners.
You see, while the elderly run a high risk of health-related issues during this time of year -- cutting down on the A/C and suffering as much as they can tolerate without outright dying -- you can walk into a nearby shopping center or grocery store and be instantly bathed in 65-degree air (In my case, a downtown hotel for a leadership summit). Of course, this isn't an exhaustive list of businesses that waste energy while we (the lowly underlings) are crimping on our energy usage.
Would it hurt business to turn the thermostat up to 78 or so during peak hours? What about the water fountains that gush water all over the 'Garden-of-Edenlike' landscaping around the neighborhood mall? The biggest energy consumers are seemingly getting away with murder while Grandma next door risks getting a ticket (that she can't afford to pay) if she happens to leave the sprinkler on 5 minutes past 10:00am.
What the F*CK is up with that?!
I got an idea: Kick out the sorry sonuvabitches/CEO's and move Grandma into the converted offices that would make great penthouses. :) On a serious note, you are justified in what you say as I see and hear about it daily of energy hoarders i.e. large corporations and a few smaller ones, too, and I see no end in sight with both the heat wave gripping our state or the fundamental structure, weak and unfair as it may be, where the rich/powerful are allocated much more leverage than the common taxpayer and/or their elderly Grandma. All we can do is hope for rain and an early end to Summer here or ... perform a Rain Dance in the middle of the sun-dried lawns that lack water and neighborly attention.