Thursday, April 16, 2009

Texas Tea Party

Well, yesterday's Tax Day went off without a hitch... almost. Many people are hearing about Texas Governor Rick Perry firing up an Austin crowd with talks of Texas seceding from the United States of America. CNN's post on this subject received over 300 comments before it was closed off.

It never ceases to amaze me at how one-eyed some people can be. One of the many anti-signs held up during yesterday's tea party urged us to stop "Obama's Socialism". Where was this bitch when Bush's administration crafted most of the bailouts that are taking place now? Where was the "Stop Bush's Socialism" sign when then-President George W. Bush appropriated bailout money for the automobile industry?

These tea parties are a crock of shit, really... and I want to stress that not all Texans are advocating seceding from the United States -- myself included. The blood of our family members have been spilled to give us what we have today. I'm proud to be an American, and I'll be damned if some right-winged cronies take that from me.

However, I believe the rest of the nation can sit back and chill. This secession talk will come to a screeching halt the next time Mother Nature rams a hurricane up Texas' ass. There was no need to even mention the issue of secession -- at all -- except for personal political gain. This only serves to distract our great nation from bigger threats and global issues, and it's time for sore losers to fold up their tents and come back into the American fold.

After all, just last week, Gov. Perry groveled for FEMA assistance regarding wildfires that threatened over 95 counties. It's obvious that we all need each other, especially in times of crisis. Seriously, Texas needs to watch what it wishes for. If secession were to ever happen, I'd high-tail my ass to American soil and rebuild my life in another state.

In the meantime, when the next devastating hurricane barrels onshore, the ungratefulness will come to fruition, and I'll be watching from American soil... praying for my Texan brothers and sisters to come back to their senses.


  1. people are so, but hey this is how the world works so...

  2. Kevin, be careful. Texas scares me

  3. Texas seems a bit scary to me, too.
    When Carlos was looking for a job to get us out of Florida, he'd come to me with this listing or that listing, and I'd look and say, "Oh....Texas.....maybe not."
    Unless it was Austin.
    And the Tea Parties were just an excuse to protest against Obama, not to protest any supposed inidignation at the country. it was pure partisan crapola.

  4. Hello, some how I came across this page. I'm 19, female,born and raised proud to be an American, and born and raised proud to be a Texan.I voted for Obama. What I wanted to tell you is that this isn't about 'right winged cronies'. TEA parties are about being an American. This isn't exact, but what I can remeber: Thomas Jefferson said, "When government fear the people there is liberty; when people fear the goverment, there is Tyranny". I think more people than not will agree that they fear the government. I used to think all these conspiracy theories were a load of crap, but it's getting more and more clear to me that if you've gotta be an idiot or just plain blind if you think all that is happening is coincidence. swine flu, the 9/11 conspiracy...I'll be the first to say I love this country, and what it stands for, but I don't think it's still has the high and mighty ideals our four fathers instilled in it. I'm not a crazy conspirist, but do some research, and see what's out there. Keep an open mind that maybe Obama is the poisen rather than the anecdote for Americans. (try googling or youtube obamas deception) By the way, I'm from San Antonio, Tx...and it really isn't so bad here =) I don't know how this forum works, but if you want to message me back i'm at
