Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tattoos and Darkness

Well now, it appears that a friend has just lost a bet. You see, once upon a time, there was an argument between the Black Man Next Door and a close friend... we'll call her Fag Hag X.

In this story, we walk past a tattoo parlor on a lovely afternoon. Suddenly, we stop and gaze for a bit. I had visions of moons, yin-yangs, and suns dancing in my head. Could this be my daring moment? Should I finally step out of my shell and do something that I've always wanted to do?

I took one look at Fag Hag X, got down on one knee, and popped the question.... Should I get a tattoo?

She then proceeded to tell me how Black men are fiiiiiiiiiine, as long as they don't have tattoos. Then, she dares me to find just ONE black man that looks good with them. For some reason, her mythical brain thinks that tattoos just don't look good on a Nubian body. So, in this Tattoo War, I say behold... my weapon of mass destruction -- Tyrese Gibson! I put this WMD into an email and forwarded to her for review. I'm still awaiting a response.

Go on... you feel lucky? Huh? You feelin' lucky Ms. X? Just check out that work of art inked into a work of art... then look at me in the eye and tell me how nasty tattoos are on a Black man. Yes, I believe my Fag Hag X has just been put into checkmate... thanks to Mr. Tyrese Gibson!


  1. I love tattoos---I have six myself--but to me it is like real estate: location location location.....and subject matter, whether the man be black or white or Asian or....well, anything.
    And on Tyrese? That's a good location indeed.

  2. I love ink on any man of any color. But I know a black guy that has some horrible ones he said he got in prison. They looked like a child had drawn them. I didn't dare tell him. It's true location and subject matter is the key.

  3. she kinda stepped into this one huh?

  4. Really depends on the person and their/ his tattoos. I have seen many black men that is look nice on. I hace seen some black men that it does not look good on. I have seen many white men that have nice looking tats as well, but then there are many white men you look at them and their/ his tats and you want to get out the eraser and scrub them off. Each men may look good or bad it really does not matter what color the person it. depends on their/ his tats.
